中科亿方智汇产业园 / Zhongke Zhihui Industrial Park
- 项目地址:广东省深圳市
- Project Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
- 业主单位:深圳华科育成技开发有限公司
- Client:
- 项目规模:38089㎡
- Size:38089㎡
- 设计风格:现代简约
- Design Style:Modern Simplicity
- 设计时间:2017/05
- Time:2017/05
The design originates from the idea of inheritance and guiding, innovation and surpassing as well as transmitting and openness, and takes the “wisdom valley” as the theme thus to establish the valleys of science, vitality and ecology integrating the science, communication, ecology and sports as well as to build the changeable landscape interface with multi-layer landscape and interactive landscape platform.